

Attached is the application form for the Tennessee Library Association’s Dr. Edwin S. Gleaves Scholarship.  The Gleaves Scholarship, established in 2004, offers $1,500 annually to assist library and/or information science students with educational expenses such as tuition, books, or technology.

To be eligible for the Dr. Edwin S. Gleaves Scholarship, applicants must:

•   Be a current member of the Tennessee Library Association

•   Be a Tennessee resident

•   Hold an undergraduate degree

•   Be accepted or currently enrolled in a library or information science graduate program (Master’s Level) which has ALA or NCATE accreditation


Please submit completed applications via e-mail to Honors, Awards, and Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Elaine Posanka at [log in to unmask] and Marissa Snead at [log in to unmask] by Sunday, January 10th, 2021.  The Honors, Awards, and Scholarship Committee will review all applications and notify the recipient before or by Sunday, January 31st, 2021.  If you have any questions, please contact Elaine Posanke and Marissa Snead.




Marissa Snead and Elaine Posanka

Co-chairs, TLA Honors, Awards, and Scholarship Committee, 2020-2021