Oak Ridge Public Library is using paper shopping bags, small for one or two books, large for multiple books.

Edward T. Sullivan, Rogue Librarian
See what I'm reading! Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/edsullivan

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Plastic Bags for Curbside Delivery
From: "Wingate, Kate (Library)" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, January 21, 2021 2:56 pm
To: <[log in to unmask]>

[External Email]
I’m a new listserv member, and work in circulation at a branch of the Nashville Public Library. I haven’t done an extensive search through the listserv archives about this, so apologies if this has been covered in a previous post. If so, please feel free to direct me to it.
We are still in the phase of reopening in which we are providing curbside service to our patrons. This looks a little bit different at each of our locations, but the gist of it is that once patrons are notified that they have items to pick up, they drive to the library, stay in their car and give us a call with their name and library card number, and then we check their items out, put them in a plastic bag, and run them out to the patron’s trunk.
We are going through SO MANY plastic bags through this process, especially when a patron is picking up large or heavy items. I’d like to know how other libraries or library systems are handling this, and if you’ve found an alternative curbside method that eliminates the need for plastic bags. And if not, and you have the same concern, please let me know as I’d love to put our heads together to figure this out. To be clear, I am coming from an environmental-concern perspective on this rather than a cost concern about the expense of the plastic bags.
Thank you!
Kate Wingate
[log in to unmask]" wbeuser="[log in to unmask]">
Kate Wingate (she/her/hers)  | Circulation Assistant

Nashville Public Library | Richland Park Branch
4711 Charlotte Avenue | Nashville  TN | 37209
Library Journal’s 2017 Library of the Year