One electrical Switching Power Outage (SPO) (See definition below) has been scheduled for the following buildings (see Building list below). The outage will be as follows: Switching Power Outage The SPO will start Tuesday August 3rd at 6:00 am and continue for 30 minutes (1/2 hour) ending on Tuesday August 3rd at 6:30 am. The reason for the SPO outage is carry out load management on the 13.2KV distribution system. Definition: A Switching Power Outage (SPO) is described as any schedule power event less than 30 minutes(1/2 Hour). This SPO consists of operating a 13.2KV distribution circuit breaker and turning power off to the complete or partial 13.2KV UT circuit. Questions concerning this outage may be directed to Cesar Peņalba at 974-7769 [log in to unmask] Buildings List for Circuit LA3 Alumni Memorial Building Zeanah Engineering Complex Perkins Hall Dougherty Engineering Building Ferris Hall John D. Tickle Engineering Building Austin Peay Building Burchfiel Geography Building Hesler Biology Building and Greenhouse Nielsen Physics Building Nuclear Engineering Building Walters Academic Building -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To join/leave the list or browse past event notifications, please see For information and support, please contact: OIT HelpDesk (865) 974-9900