One  electrical  power outage (PO) (See definition of Power Outage) has been scheduled for the following buildings (see Building list below).


The outage will be as follows:


Power Outage

The Power Outage will start Saturday  July 17th at   7:00 am and continue for 4  hours ending on Saturday July 17th  at 11:00 am


The reason for the outage is to repair  HV 15KV cables feeding SERF. 


Definition:   A Power Outage (PO)  is described as any schedule event more than 1 hour.

This power outage consists of operating a 13.2KV distribution circuit breaker and turning power off to the complete or partial  13.2KV  UT circuit.


 Questions concerning this outage may be directed to Cesar Peņalba at 974-7769 [log in to unmask].



Circuit LA2


Ayres Hall           

Min H Kao Electrical Engineering & Computer Science    

Dabney-Buehler Hall      

Science and Engineering Building - SERF

SERF Chiller Bldg.

South College   


Circuit 2

Parking Garage 10 - EAST


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