One  electrical  power outage (PO) (See definition of Power Outage) has been scheduled for the following buildings (see Building list Below). The outage will be as follows:


Power Outage

The Power Outage will start Saturday  March 13th at 6:00 AM and continue for 4  hours ending on Saturday March 13th at 10:00 AM


The reason for the outage is to CONNECT  new HV cable for the New Dining Facility  to UT Electrical Distribution


Definition:   A Power Outage (PO)  is described as any schedule event more than 1 hour.

This power outage consists of operating a 13.2KV distribution circuit breaker and turning power off to the complete or partial  13.2KV  UT circuit.


 Questions concerning this outage may be directed to Cesar Peņalba at 974-7769   [log in to unmask].


Buildings List 


Fred Brown Residence Hall

Magnolia Residence Hall

Dogwood Residence Hall

Orange Residence Hall

White Residence Hall

Reese Residence Hall

Laurel Residence Hall

Reese Chiller Bldg

Presidential Court (Aramark)

Parking Garage G7

Parking Garage G10 (East)


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