

[External Email]
Hope your year is going well. Just a quick, three-pronged note from your friends at the Southern Festival of Books. <>

1. 2020 Southern Festival of Books sessions are available to stream (free!) at your convenience on the SFB YouTube channel.

  *   Children's<>
  *   Middle Grade<>
  *   Young Adult<>

[cid:[log in to unmask]]

2. Free Pencils!
Have you and your students streamed a session and are inspired to write, too? Great! We have SFB pencils we'd love to get to students across the state. Please send a note along to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> letting us know how many pencils you'd like and we'll see what we can do! Any type of library can put in a request.

3. Writing activity alert!

Humanities Tennessee is pleased to partner with author Kim Johnson (This is My America) on a student writing activity for Tennessee students in grades 8-12. [video<;!!PRtDf9A!9I6LL9wybxBENMrKUNPw9Of98wOSaoWXOt_Jzf-H4Rt4Sm2pohj207ZwRs7HnzFyP70X$>]

Students! Write up to 300 words sharing what you think or hope your America will look like in five or 10 years. Feel free to send an essay, poem, song, or short story as your submission. Select entries may be published and shared by and/or Humanities Tennessee. In addition to publication, creators of selected entries will receive a copy of the book, This is My America.

Submissions Deadline is Friday, December 4, 2020.
Student submissions must come from a teacher or librarian and be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Thank you!
Patrick Shaffner
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>