

[External Email]

Good morning:

Our group is working on writing a review article, with an engineering focus, on nursery and greenhouse water retention reservoirs. We could use your input and insights.  If your schedule permits, we would greatly appreciate your response to the following questions. 


Thank you for your time and assistance. 




  1. What is the primary source and approximate percentage use of each of the following in your state or region?
    1. Surface water from natural waterway or pond
    2. Ground water via well
    3. Water collected via retention reservoir
    4. Other  __________________


  1. Which factor(s) or considerations (i.e., concerns or opportunities) do you or your stakeholders consider when designing a retention reservoir for container nurseries or greenhouses? (if possible, list in order of priority)


  1. Are there regulatory expectations for water treatment (e.g. nutrient, sediment, pesticides or pathogens reduction) or capture of storm runoff?


  1. If using the retention reservoir to reapply collected water via irrigation, what are your or your stakeholders concern(s)? (if possible, list in order of priority)


  1. Do you suggest a retention time or minimum capacity to ensure water is not recycled too fast? If so, what is the recommend capacity or retention time?


  1. Is water kept in a retention reservoir regulated or owned by the local, state, or regional government?


  1. What resources or literature do you use to aid stakeholders design and construction of retention reservoirs?  (please share source if possible)



[log in to unmask]">

James S. Owen Jr. PhD

Research Horticulturist

Application Technology Research Unit


1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH  44691

(757)374-8153 | [log in to unmask]

ScholarLinkedIn | ResearchGate 


Get updated on the latest research, outreach, and tools @ Clean WateR3 - Reduce, Remediate & Recycle


I am working remotely following USDA & OSU COVID19 protocol and can be reached via email or Skype chat at [log in to unmask] or phone, text, and facetime from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT Monday thru Friday.


Advanced out of office notice: None scheduled


My pronouns: he/him/his



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