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Registration is now available for the November 18<x-apple-data-detectors://0>Talking Freight Seminar.

Date/Time: November 18, 2020 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET<x-apple-data-detectors://1>

Topic: Curbside Management and Freight Deliveries


Description and Presentations: Curbside freight management is a major consideration for many municipalities, especially cities and towns, as freight deliveries continue to increase.  Freight carriers, retailers, and other businesses all rely on efficient deliveries to increase their operational effectiveness and/or to ensure necessary products are available for the customers and employees.  Additionally, many transportation network users, including private vehicle drivers, transit operators, utility vehicle operators, bicyclists, and pedestrians, as well as freight carriers, use the curbside and adjacent sidewalks to access nearby land development and/or serve businesses and people who live, work, or utilize services along the roadways.  Municipalities need to coordinate the curbside needs of all of these users.  Ensuring curbside loading/unloading zones for freight deliveries are appropriately located, have adequate size, and are timed for the most frequent delivery periods during the day is challenging.  However, finding the right balance between freight delivery needs and other curbside usage needs is critical if cities, towns, and other municipalities want to support the businesses and people who live and work in their communities and rely on freight deliveries.

This webinar will discuss various cities’ approaches to curbside freight management, including how they examined commercial vehicle delivery patterns and how they worked to address freight delivery needs in the context of general curbside usage needs within their communities

Demystifying Urban Curbside Management
This presentation will provide an overview of Washington, DC’s efforts to examine freight curbside needs, including efforts to modify existing freight parking locations and times to increase the efficiency of freight deliveries.

  *   Soumya Dey, Washington, DC DOT

Giving Insight About the Battle for the Curb
This presentation will discuss the University of Washington’s efforts to examine commercial freight delivery parking needs and usage patterns on a block by block basis in downtown Seattle

  *   Gabriela del Carmen Giron Valderrama, University of Washington

Findings from Commercial Vehicle Curb Usage in California
This presentation will examine how e-commerce is impacting freight curbside usage patterns in various communities in California and what kind of usage patterns exist in those communities.

  *   Anurag Komanduri, Cambridge Systematics


If you have not yet participated in Talking Freight, I encourage you to do so. These monthly seminars, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, are held via web conference, which means that you view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over your computer or the telephone. There is no cost involved and you do not have to leave your desk to participate. More information about Talking Freight is available at Links to past presentations and recordings are available on

Talking Freight seminars are eligible for 1.5 AICP Certification Maintenance Credits (for AICP members). In order to receive credit, you must attend the full seminar and login to the seminar with your full name or type your full name into the chat area during the seminar if you are in a room with a group of people. Visit the AICP web site<> for more information about AICP Certification Maintenance Credits.

In addition, those who are interested can obtain a certificate for 1.5 PDH hours.

If you have any questions about the webinar content, please contact Chip Millard, FHWA Freight Office, at 202-366-4415<tel:202-366-4415> or [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. If you have any questions about the technology aspects of the webinar,please contact Jennifer Symoun, Toxcel, 703-754-0248<tel:703-754-0248>, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Jennifer Symoun, PMP | toXcel
Business Manager and Director, Communications and Outreach
Office: 703-754-0248 (x8208)<tel:703-754-0248;8208>
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> |<>