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If you work with youth and horticulture, check out the message below that contains some very useful information on virtual Junior Master Gardener programming. I talked to the JMG program and confirmed that these tools are open to MG volunteers as well as teachers as they highlight in the message.

Have a great week, Natalie

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We have an exciting opportunity to share that's free for teachers!  Learn, Grow, Eat & Go is a research & evidence-based National Junior Master Gardener curriculum. It's a 10 week/2 lessons per week school garden curriculum that has now been recreated as a virtual, video-based classroom specifically for elementary/intermediate students learning at a distance.

Because it is brand-new, the entire virtual curriculum is being made available for FREE for teachers that sign up their class and provide brief weekly feedback for the national pilot. Sign up and more info is at:<>

Here's a quick background. Each week of Virtual Learn, Grow, Eat & GO Classroom video-based content consists two parts that would be completed each week (for example, each week students could be assigned to complete Part A on Mondays and Part B on Wednesdays):

Part A:

- 1 Interactive Lesson

- 1 Sharpening Science Video (bonus garden science or food science)

Part B:

- 1 Interactive Lesson

- 1 Feature Video  (bonus GROW , EAT or GO activity)

Any household supplies and free PDFs students needed to complete lessons are listed on the Students' Virtual LGEG Home page at:<>

In addition to the lessons that you can assign students to view and complete independently,  the teacher can choose to lead optional weekly teacher "check-ins" with through Zoom or other platform.  Those teacher questions and talking points to support your weekly class meetings are also provided free.

This video-based content is engaging and students don't just watch, they are activity taking part in the lesson with the teachers AND/OR are given "homework" to do after the lessons! Signup and more info is at<>.  Also to get insight to how students are being engaged and an overview of the virtual class, you can see the students' Welcome to the 1st day of Class video at:


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