Hi all,

This is a reminder about the GTU membership drive that will conclude this week. Please see the email below for details. Also, an anonymous donor is going to support a few spots for students who can not afford the membership. Reach out to me if you are interested in one of those spots.





Geography Students,


I am inviting you, rockstar Geography Student, to apply for membership to Gamma Theta Upsilon – The International Geographic Honor Society. To become a member, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

GTU is open to graduate and undergraduate students, majors and minors, and we hope that all eligible geographers in our department will join. If you are not currently eligible, do not fear, as we will hold a membership drive once a year around this time.


Becoming a member of GTU is simple. Fill out the attached form, pay the $40 initiation fee, and attend the department's virtual Spring Awards Ceremony and be recognized as a new GTU initiate! We will also be giving an award for the most outstanding member. This is not a club in our department that has meetings, and instead it is purely an honor.


If you are interested in joining, please send the $40 as cash or check written to Gamma Theta Upsilon and completed form to my office (313 Burchfiel) by 16 October. You can slide it under my door if I am not there. As many people are not on campus this semester, you can also send the form to me via email send the money to my venmo account (@kelsnado) and then I will write a check on your behalf.


GTU has its own journal (The Geographic Bulletin) and has several scholarship opportunities. If you have any questions you can ask me, or check out the webpage for yourself. http://www.gammathetaupsilon.org/index.html


Looking forward to hearing from you!






P.S. The applications of students who applied this spring right before the pandemic will be submitted with these new applications.