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SELA Centennial Celebration
Centennial Club
This year, 2020, marks the 100th Anniversary of the Southeastern Library Association. In celebration of this important milestone, the Centennial Club has been formed to assist in underwriting expenses associated with the SELA Centennial Celebration.
Please visit SELA's website ( and click on The Centennial Club moving slide.  You will be directed to the SELA Centennial Celebration page where you can donate online or complete a PDF form and return it with your check payable to the Southeastern Library Association.
The Centennial Club categories of giving are $100.00 - Centennial; $75.00 - Three Quarters of a Century; $50.00 - Half a Century; $25.00 - Quarter of a Century; and $10.00 - Decade. We appreciate whatever amount you are able to contribute to support this once in-a-lifetime celebration.
Donors may elect to have their name listed on the SELA website or donate in honor of a friend or family member.
Help us celebrate the 100th Anniversary of SELA by making a contribution today!