Hi Savannah

I'm the current president of the silicon valley chapter. What with dwindling volunteer numbers, a bunch of us are working together to create an aggregate calendar for members. Right now Tim Esposito and Sara Feldman and I are coordinating the effort. With everyone rushing to get events online, it's become harder to track than ever before. We thought we'd all get more attention for anyone looking for something today (or tomorrow). Too often I'm finding out about things after they happen (Facebook and Twitter not being particularly good at timeliness).  

Right now Vancouver, San Diego, LA, Santa Barbara, PMC, Silicon Valley, Ohio, TE SIG, Toronto, are all collaborating and more are coming on all the time. I'd love to add your chapter too so your members can network anywhere and we can all provide more (with less overlapping effort).  Both Toronto and South Central Texas have the virtual event calendar on their websites, so you can see it and get an idea about what's coming up that you might want to participate in: https://stc-socentx.org/stc-socentx-calendar/

For example, coming up on 8/19 is a UX mini class that we organized and are offering to other chapters to "make their own".  You can set up your own branded front for the event, then use the same zoom credentials we're all using so everyone gets into the same room. Here's the STC San Diego version: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ux-the-magic-of-semantic-interaction-design-tickets-114830471030

Let me know if you all are interested in participating in the UX event and/or the calendar. We'd love to collaborate with you.



On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 7:10 AM Savannah DeFreese <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

[External Email]

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce that the STC-ETC Board has officially transitioned after June's elections. Below are the names and contact information of our new board members. 

Please join me in welcoming the new officers. It will be an exciting year under their leadership.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you the past few years. It has been a great honor.

Warmest regards,

Savannah DeFreese
Immediate Past President