Good afternoon communicators, 


UT’s third annual Grateful Vol Day will be September 16 this year! Like many events, it will look a little different. However, the goal stays the same: to celebrate the generosity of donors to UT Knoxville by providing students an opportunity to thank them. This will be an all-digital experience and students who submit a personal thank you video will have the chance to win prizes. 


There are two parts to the event that we’d love your assistance in promoting:


  1. Grateful Vol Week (September 7-11) — STUDENT FOCUSED

During this week, students will be encouraged to record thank you videos to be sent to UT donors on September 16. They will be entered to win prizes for their participation. Signs and posters will be places around campus that show the impact of donor support and encourages participation. We’d love your assistance in:

·         Promoting Grateful Vol Week in student newsletters, social media, or digital outlets in your college or unit. 

·         Encourage students to participate by recording a video and submitting it here:

·         Sharing impact stories on your college or unit social media pages using #GratefulVol

·         Sharing the campaign posts from UT Knoxville Alumni accounts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

·         Put up Grateful Vol Day posters in your college or unit buildings (see link below for PDF)

  1. Grateful Vol Day (September 16) — DONOR FOCUSED

On this day, we will be expressing gratitude to our generous donors by sending them the thank you videos we received from students and celebrating their philanthropy on social media using the hashtag #GratefulVol. 


We hope you’ll help promote this fun effort to show our gratitude to those who give to UT. Attached is a toolkit that can serve as a guide. 


We have also created several graphics and resources you can use here:


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Thank you in advance for your help, 





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Jessy Lawrence

Senior Director of Advancement Communications


Tyson Alumni Center

1609 Melrose Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37996

(865) 974-3912



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