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Hello, Tennessee Library Friends!


I have reached out to Cathy and apologized because the last three months felt like one really tough month, so the calendar (and most normal planning/thought processes) got away from me.  We chose to skip the last issue since its contents were about things that could no longer happen, so now is the time to talk about that – or anything else you and your libraries have been up to.


Please send me your stories:  how has your library responded to the pandemic?  What have been your challenges/successes?  What are your plans in the coming months?  What have you learned?  What programs are you doing now or working on?  Do you have any award winners you want to brag on, new employees, or new positions?  Please don’t forget to send photos if applicable, and I’ll do my best to include everything!


That said, if I am (I hope) flooded with stories and information and it can’t fit in one newsletter, I will hold it over for the next one (which shouldn’t be delayed as much) since we are likely still going to be dealing with pandemic issues and other challenges then.  This has changed most of us in some way, so let us hear about the good things you’re doing and how you’re persisting.




TLA Newsletter Editor


Holly Mills

Public Services Librarian

Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library, Box 5066

Tennessee Tech University

P 931.372.3544

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