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Hi all! I hope you're all safe and healthy in these times. 
I wanted to be sure you knew ALA is hosting a virtual National Library Legislative Week for FREE!! If you have a few moments, please take the time this week for a little library advocacy. 

Library advocacy isn't just an entire day of meetings with leaders. Library advocacy is also the five minutes it takes to tag your reps in a Facebook status update or tweet. 

Call a legislator or local official and tell them a community impact story. Use the ALA hashtags to share images, videos, and links of your important work to social media. (tag TLA too!)  Attend one of this week's virtual events to learn even more advocacy tips and tricks. (Recorded webinar from the Congressional management foundation at this link: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/nlld 
Call ALA and leave a VM sharing your library story. 

Please take a few minutes today to share how TN libraries (and library workers—libraries aren't just the buildings!) are meeting critical information needs in this time. Tell them about your virtual programming and hotspot lending! Tell them about your librarian chat and virtual reference! Tell them how you trained all the faculty in Google classroom, Zoom, etc. Tell them how social network media photos from your archives went viral and sparked a renewed interest in local history. Tell them how you helped a family member trace their genealogy remotely. 

They can't know unless we tell them—so let's tell them! (Just remember to tag TLA in your posts as well, so we can amplify them by sharing them.)

Thanks a bunch!
Y'all have a great day!!!

All my best, 
Sharon Kay Edwards, MSLS

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