Not on list —  suggested 2020-2025 Water Management and Quality for Specialty Crop Production and Health

Winston C. Dunwell, Ph.D.
 /Mobile  270.261.9467 /Ph 859.562.1308/ [log in to unmask] 
348 University Drive, Princeton, KY 42445

On May 19, 2020, at 4:14 PM, Fisher,Paul <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

[External Email]

Hi everyone
Our NC1186 proposal has been positively reviewed. The proposal is approved with minor revisions, so thank you and great job by everyone. I will be submitting revisions in one week, on Tuesday May 26 to meet the June 1 deadline. By Monday May 25 at 5 pm ET, please provide your input on the following. If you do not provide input by Monday, I will interpret this to mean that you are already feeling blissful and content to leave revisions to other colleagues:
1. Amend the project title
Reviewer comment:  NC1186 has been an excellent project with collaborative efforts resulting in successful grants followed by a multitude of quantifiable impacts and accomplishments. The current proposal will build upon these successful efforts by continuing their focus and with additional work in greenhouses and rooftops in urban areas. Water quantity and quality, environmental impacts, urban stormwater management and biotic and abiotic contaminants will be the comprehensive focus. Consequently, reviewers suggested some descriptive change in the project title would be more reflective of the project’s activities such as including ‘….for Container-grown Specialty Crops’; ‘…Production and Health of Specialty Crops Grown in Soilless Media’; or ‘…Production and Health of Container Grown Specialty Crops’.
Current 2014-2019: Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health
Our suggested 2020-25: Water Management and Quality for Specialty Crop Production and Health
Please indicate your preference for the project title by Monday May 25 5 pm ET using this link: Unless there is agonizing disagreement, I will go with the top-ranked option.
2. Reviewer comment: Demonstrate the non-duplicative nature of the work
I will conduct a CRIS search as they requested, nothing required of rest of team
3. Reviewer comment: Provide examples of integrated, multifunctional participant assignment descriptions
In the Methods section where it is in yellow highlight at the bottom of each objective, please add your state abbreviations where you plan on participating. I have seeded the lists from the individuals who volunteered to help write the sections.
4. Reviewer comment: Provide some description of methods proposed to be used within selected objectives. These do not have to be all encompassing, yet some depth in expertise needs to be demonstrated
I obviously made the methods section too brief, sorry, so this is the main area to please add specific methods to the bullets in the blue highlight at the bottom of each objective. I have provided examples.
5. Reviewer comment: Membership
While it was mentioned that new members and graduate students are integrated into meetings and the project, the current participant list has national representation, yet about half of the number of states and less than half of overall membership. In the prior project USDA ARS was a member as well.  We encourage more participation in the renewed project by encouragement nationally and with prior members.
We should each encourage our colleagues to join. Please check that your state is listed in the green highlighted section. This is autopopulated by NIMSS in the final proposal.
Thanks and best regards, Paul
Paul Fisher, PhD
Professor and Extension Specialist, Environmental Horticulture Dept.
University of Florida, PO Box 110670, 2549 Fifield Hall, 2550 Hull Rd., Gainesville FL 32611-0670
[log in to unmask], tel 352 273 4581, cell 352 226 4410, fax 352 392 3870
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