

[External Email]

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

If you are a member of STC-ETC, this is the year to consider running for a board position to build on the chapter's momentum and work closely with outgoing board members to learn the ropes.

If you are not a member, you might consider joining and running for a board position. Leaders lead, and we get better with practices! "If not me, who? If not now, when?"

Open positions:

President: Oversees the direction of the chapter; plans and runs board meetings; helps with chapter activities as needed

Vice President (President-elect): Plans and organizes programming in coordination with the board

Secretary: Takes minutes at board meetings; ensures follow-up on board decisions

Treasurer: Maintains financial records; sends financial reports to the Society; cuts checks as needed for chapter activities

Please submit nominations to Savannah DeFreese, President, at [log in to unmask] or Mary Knepper, Treasurer, at [log in to unmask], by Friday, May 22. Include a short bio for posting on the slate. We will present the slate to membership for a vote in June.

Kind regards,

Savannah DeFreese, STC-ETC President
Mary Knepper, Treasurer

Mary Knepper

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

708.738.8178 cell