

Good afternoon fellow communicators, 


Happy Big Orange Friday! You may already be aware, but this Tuesday, May 5 is Giving Tuesday Now, a new global day of giving and unity around COVID-19 relief efforts.


On Tuesday, we want to support the many UT students who are experiencing hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic by encouraging support to the Student Emergency Fund. 


We would love your assistance in spreading the word through your college or unit social media accounts or other outlets. Details below!


When: Tuesday, May 5


Why: For some UT students, this challenging time has meant the loss of income from a job they depended on, loss of access to technology to continue academic studies, and/or loss of basic needs such as healthcare or food security.


Here is a link to several social media graphics that you are welcome to utilize:


Here are some talking points and stats:



If you need any other promotion tools or have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Thanks for your support! Have a great weekend!




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Jessy Lawrence

Senior Director of Advancement Communications


Tyson Alumni Center

1609 Melrose Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37996

(865) 974-3912


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