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Good afternoon. Please consider pushing this out to our Senators.



From: ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Office <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 8:48 AM
To: Oliver, Kent (Library) <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ALA Advocacy Alert: Your Senators Haven't Signed in Support of Libraries Yet


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Advocacy Alert: Your Senators Need to Hear from You

Dear Kent,

Time is running out. One or both of your Senators have not yet signed in support for emergency library funding, and they need to hear from you today.

Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) are circulating a Dear Colleague letter calling for emergency recovery funding for America's libraries through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. This funding would be available through the Library Services and Technology Act grants to states program. This comes after a similar letter from Reps. Andy Levin (D-MI), Don Young (R-AK), and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) circulated in the House, which received over 100 signatures

We must remind the Senate that libraries will play a critical role in recovery efforts and ask for the funds we need to protect staff and facilities across the country. Can you urge your Senators to sign?

Your hard work and advocacy were successful in convincing Congress to include $50 million in the CARES Act for libraries. We are incredibly grateful for the time and energy you put in for libraries. Help us deliver for libraries again in this critical moment: contact your Senators now.

Thank you,

ALA's Public Policy & Advocacy Team

PS - If you can, take the extra step and post on social media! Use the language below and be sure to tag your Senators: [@ Your Senators] U.S. Libraries employ ~370,000 workers & purchase $4bil in materials yearly. Our libraries must be included in COVID19 relief legislation. As a constituent I urge you to sign @SenJackReed and @SenatorCollins' letter calling for emergency library funding.

Contact Us
ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Office
1615 New Hampshire Ave NW, 1st Floor
Washington, D.C. 20009-2520
Phone: (202) 628-8410

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