

[External Email]

The State Library and Archives, in conjunction with Secretary Hargett’s office, has developed publicity materials to help remind the public and government leaders that libraries are important anchor institutions. Please help us distribute these items.


  1. Press release about what libraries are doing. This has been sent to local media, but if library directors will send it to their media contacts it will get broader distribution. If you have local pictures of your activities, be sure to attach them.
  2. Flyer outlining the ways libraries are serving during the quarantine. This is being mailed to city and county mayors. Please feel free to forward it to board members, Friends  and other community leaders.
  3. Social Media Graphic to share on your library’s Facebook and other platforms. Add details to clarify which services are offered at your library.


I am grateful for the dedication and creativity so many of you have shown in providing services. Please reach out to your Regional and State Library staff if we can help – we are working remotely but willing and able to help.


Chuck Sherrill


Charles A. Sherrill

State Librarian and Archivist

Office of Secretary of State Tre Hargett

403 7th Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37243-0312

(615) 741-7996

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