[External Email]

Apologies in advance for the curtness of this email because I'm going to speak in bullet points to get all the info to you. 
  1. The Parental Oversight in Public Libraries Bill in the house was rolled to next week's Cities and Counties Subcommittee Meeting March 4th at 3:30 PM. We are asking for librarians and library supporters to attend it if at all possible. If you can attend,  please fill out this form by NOON ON MONDAY .     
  2. The companion bill in the Senate has also been scheduled for a committee meeting. It will be heard by the Government Operations Committee on Wednesday, March 4th at 8:30 AM. Again, if you can make this meeting, please fill out this form by NOON ON MONDAY .   
  3. We need volunteers to meet with the committee members individually on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. (I have secured appointments on Wednesday, and will be working on Tuesday appointments today) If you can meet with them, please fill out this form by NOON ON MONDAY .  We don't want a bunch of people meeting with the legislators...just one or two at each meeting, so if a bunch of you say you can do this, please don't be upset if someone else gets to meet with them. But, I do need to know who all is available and willing to meet with legislators. (And you always have Library Legislative Day on which to meet with legislators!)
  4. We are still asking library supporters in TN to email the members of each committee. Currently, 551 Tennesseeans have sent 3,675 emails to the Cities and Counties Subcommittee!!! Let's try to do the same with the Senate Government Operations Committee. So, if you haven't sent your emails, please click here to email the HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE  and please click here to email the SENATE COMMITTEEPlease be sure to share the links with your personal and digital network
Thank you all so much for your help with this! As Mad-Eye Moody taught us in Harry Potter, constant vigilance! 

At your service,

All my best,
Sharon Kay Edwards, MSLS
Legislative Monitor, Tennessee Library Association
Policy Corps Member, American Library Association
(931) 619-7863, (931) 668-7010 ext. 2113