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Outstanding Books for the College Bound List Released
The long-awaited Outstanding Books for the College Bound<> (OBCB) recommended reading list has been released. The list<> is organized into the following categories:

  *   General Knowledge<>
  *   Arts and Literature<>
  *   History and Cultures<>
  *   Science and Technology<>
View<> the list and share it with your teen patrons.

Give $20 in 2020 Fundraising Campaign
YALSA has launched its new Friends of YALSA (FOY)<> fundraising campaign, Give $20 and 2020<>. Its goal is to increase sustainability and strengthen FOY to fund member awards and grants. This is a year-long campaign to encourage everyone to donate at least $20 to FOY in the year 2020. The goal is 4000 individuals (based on the number of current YALSA members); however, support from everyone is greatly appreciated. If YALSA reaches its goal, it could comfortably fund scholarships, grants and stipends<>, including the Spectrum Scholarship<> and Emerging Leader<> for the next 5+ years. Your support is greatly appreciated. Give $20 to FOY<> today!

Advocate for Teen Services!
YALSA seeks an individual to fill an advocacy board position<> for a one-year term starting July 2020. The ideal candidate advocates for teens in their role working for an institution, a non-profit, a for-profit venture, or as a volunteer, among other capacities. Employment in a library or as a YALSA member is not required; however, the intent is to recruit a person with a perspective outside the library realm who wants to advocate for teens. Apply<> by March 31. If you know someone who fits this description, please encourage them to apply. Learn more by reading the blog post<> by YALSA President Todd Krueger.

March Webinar
Cultivating Voice Through Youth Leadership Programs
March 12, 2PM EST
Youth leadership programs (YLPs) offer opportunities for library staff to create deep relationships with youth, to co-design dynamic programming with them, and to empower teens to succeed. Plus, YLPs can refocus your library's mission, raise the profile of your library in the community, and provide opportunities for expanding your own skills and expertise. Learn more about why YLPs work, why you should explore them, how you can advocate for them, and how their impact extends far beyond the library's walls. $29 for non-members. Register<> today.
New JRLYA Research Journal Issue: Vol. 11 N. 1
A new issue of YALSA's research journal, The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults<>, is available. New articles include:

  *   "The Expectations That We Be Educators": The Views of Australian Authors of Young Adult Fiction on Their OwnVoices Novels as Windows for Learning about Marginalized Experiences
  *   "It's Okay to Be Confused": LGBTQAI+ Teen Novels as Sexuality and Sexual Health Information Resources
  *   A Public Health Approach to Uncovering the Health-Related Needs of Teen Library Patrons
Read<> and download the new articles as PDFs.

Upcoming YALSA Activities & Events

  *   March 12: Cultivating Voice Through Youth Leadership Programs; $29;<>
  *   April 9: Teen Hackathon: Creativity, Collaboration, and Competition; $29;<>
  *   Mid-April: 2020 Symposium Registration Open
  *   April 23: 2020 Teens' Top Ten Nominees Announcement
  *   June 1: Symposium Travel Stipend Deadline;<>

Anna Lam
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611
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Check out our new Teen Summer Learning Programs<> publication!