[External Email]

We are currently filling a number of positions and hope that you will consider applying or sharing as appropriate.


LAII, Special Collections Department, https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/24921


LAII, Collection Management Department, https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/24900


Assistant Professor, Instruction Librarian/First Year Experience, RIS Department, https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/24712


Assistant Professor, Instruction Librarian/Virtual Instruction, RIS Department,  https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/24711


Assistant Professor, Metadata & Catalog Librarian, https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/23634


You may also view detailed position descriptions for the above positions on the Libraries’ job website, https://www.memphis.edu/libraries/about/jobs/index.php


Please contact Jill Green with any questions ([log in to unmask])



Rachel Scott



Rachel E. Scott | she / her / hers

ILS Librarian | Associate Professor, University Libraries

Interim Coordinator | Cataloging, Collection Management, & Systems

Co-editor-in-chief | Music Reference Services Quarterly

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The University of Memphis 
308 McWherter Library
Memphis, TN 38152 

[log in to unmask]
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5847-3378