

Hi all -

Just to tack on some additional info, the latest issue of American Libraries included an article with some additional suggestions about how to connect with your elected officials all year long!


                Ewen, Lara. "Connecting with Congress: How libraries can build relationships with elected officials through year-round advocacy." American Libraries, Nov.-Dec. 2019, p. 26+. Gale In             Context: College,


Don't forget via TEL ( you can set up journal alerts to library journals to keep up with what is going on in libraries across the country.


Key Library Journals (see attached pdf to create Journal Alert)


Have a great weekend!




-----Original Message-----

From: Tennessee Library Association and other Tennessee librarians <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Sharon Edwards

Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 1:05 PM

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Head's up, East TN libraries.


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Congressman Phil Roe announced his retirement and hats are already being tossed into the ring.


Please read this article and start your "network connections" list to the possible. candidates as the election gets closer.


The best time to start building relationships with another Member of Congress is during the election!


Get to know their platforms and let them know how YOUR LIBRARY can help them achieve them.




2020's going to be fun, y'all!;!!PRtDf9A!5M_kALtQfycsw_8teA6QwNOK25vsZx1XQ50w7MiLYdA89mwpYR3GcbaHVnSi5Tzxxr-n$






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