

Hello Tennessee library friends!

(With apologies for x-posting)

You are invited to submit a session proposal for the 3rd Annual Library Instruction Tennessee (LIT) conference. The conference is organized by the LIT Steering Committee and will take place at Austin Peay State University's Morgan University Center on Friday, June 12th, 2020.

Please propose sessions engaging with the theme of TRANSFORMATION. What has been transformative in your practice? What steps have you taken in your transformation? What pedagogies, tools, or practices have you considered (or discarded) on your path? How have you succeeded, or even more transformative, how have you failed?

We encourage you to submit your innovative ideas, successes (or failures!), and goals for library instruction so we can share them with the larger library instruction community. We welcome alternative formats to a straightforward presentation, including interactive sessions and roundtable discussions.

Topics of interest:

  *   Engagement & Outreach
  *   Assessment
  *   Pedagogy/Andragogy
  *   Technology
  *   Critical Information Literacy
  *   Reflective Practice & Self Care
  *   Professional Tips for New Instruction Librarians
  *   Hiring, Onboarding, and Management in Instructional Services
  *   ...or any other topics you'd like to propose!

Guide for presenters:

Deadline for submissions: February 5th, 2020.

Submit your proposal via the LIT Proposal Submission Form<>.

Also, please join the conversation on our social media platforms. We encourage sharing information, stories, ideas, and even frustrations. See the links below!

Important Dates

Deadline for submission: February 5th, 2020

Notification of acceptance: Early March, 2020

LIT Conference: June 12, 2020

If you have any questions, please contact:


Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


Facebook: LIT Library Instruction Tennessee<>

We look forward to seeing you at LIT 2020!

LIT Steering Committee:

Jenny Harris, Austin Peay State University

Ashley Roach-Freiman, University of Memphis

Sarah Smith, St. Louis Community College

Lori Warren, Chattanooga State Community College

Lyndy Wibking, Roane State Community College

Aaron Wimer, The Citadel Daniel Library

Ashley Roach-Freiman | she / her / hers
Research and Instruction Librarian | Assistant Professor, University Libraries
[UofM logo]
The University of Memphis
120 Ned McWherter Library
Memphis, TN 38152<>

901.678.8213 |<>/libraries
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