From: Stachowiak, Chad - FPAC-NRCS, Washington, DC <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 2:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; Muller, Lisa Irene <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: North Carolina NRCS State Wildlife Biologist job preannouncement


Howdy Marcella and Lisa,


Will you please pass along the information in the email below about the North Carolina NRCS State Biologist position that will be announced sometime next week on your respective listservs or to individuals that you think might be interested?


The position is targeted at post-graduate degree folks because of the GS 11/12 level (e.g., PhD or MS + 1 year specialized experience). For post-BS folks with experience like performing wildlife management activities, leading a wildlife program, or similar for one year on a county, multi-county, or watershed basis, I recommend they reach out to the HR point of contact listed on the job announcement to learn if they are eligible based on education and work experience.


FYI for to prospective NRCS job seekers [and maybe other federal agencies], the short job announcement application windows don’t necessarily reflect that an “inside candidate” is targeted for the position. In NRCS’s case, the job announcement windows are ultimately controlled by HR not the hiring manager. There is ongoing work by NRCS Directors & HR to extend job announcement application windows because Directors know that it has a negative effect on the applicant pool. Until this is changed, please know that short job announcement windows are not necessarily indicative of reduced chances for an outside-NRCS applicant at making it through the applicant selection process.



Thank you,



Chad Stachowiak | Natural Resource Specialist–Presidential Management Fellow | 6150-S, USDA NRCS HQ, Washington, DC | P: 202-720-0307 | [log in to unmask] |

Virginia Tech, BS- Wildlife Science, 2011

University of Tennessee, MS- Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 2018



From: Vega, Rafael - NRCS, Raleigh, NC <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 4:59 PM
To: Vega, Rafael - NRCS, Raleigh, NC <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: NC State Biologist Position opening soon


Hello Conservationist!


As many of you know, I had been working closely with Human Resources to advertise the North Carolina Wildlife Biologist position in Raleigh. I am very excited to inform that position will open next week. This advertisement will open as a GS 11/12 level, accepting applications from the public AND federal employees alike. I am reaching out to see if you are willing to assist me to get the word out? Typically, federal announcements open for only 5-7 days, so I think the sooner we can spread the word the best.


This position will be placed under my supervision, on the Ecological Sciences Staff. Our team, is composed by an amazing group of professionals that have a genuine passion for conservation. The core values of the ECS team include service to our customers first, effective communication always, sound technical guidance regardless of anyone’s opinion and an unbreakable work ethic. We are proud of who we are and what we do for this organization.


The Wildlife Biologist position will focus on providing assistance to the state leaders guide a robust conservation program with an emphasis on wildlife habitat. The incumbent will work directly with a multi-agency group or professionals at the national, regional, state and local level in order to accomplish protection of natural resources. Biologist will provide guidance and products that will assist employees and customer maintain compliance with laws like the Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Protection Act and Food Security Act of 1985. Selectee will be required to lead many workgroups with interest in conservation and program delivery. Employee, ability to communicate and train staff on highly complex biology topics will be critical. I offering a conservation professional with the unique opportunity to expose her/his professional knowledge, abilities and skills nationwide. We are looking for a highly capable, independent and dynamic individual that help me take the biology program in North Carolina to the next level.


Like with any other federal opportunity, it’s critical that the applicants fulfill all education and documentation requirements. The educational requirements for the biology series can be found,


Like all federal job opportunities this one, will be posted on the USAJobs Website. I would highly encourage anyone interested, to get familiar with the USAJobs process and set an account. I will do my best to send the opening via email but just in case, I highly encourage interested professionals to set the account with an automatic search reports to your email.


USAJobs have many guides, but I like this one for anyone trying to better understand the process,


In addition, HR have several webinars that assist better understand the federal application process. Those can be found on this website,


Thank you,


Rafael Vega

State Resource Conservationist

Natural Resource Conservation Service

United States Department of Agriculture

4407 Bland Rd., Suite 117

Raleigh, NC 27609


Phone: (919) 873-2124

Fax: (844) 325-6833

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Numero de telefono: (919)873-2109

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“I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work…more important, however than the material gains will be the MORAL and SPIRITUAL value of such work” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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