

Happy Friday

We wanted to send out a reminder to our Getting Around UT friends that the 2019 Homecoming Parade will impact The Hill and The Fort bus routes starting at 2:00 pm on Friday November 1st.

Please consult the Tennessee App in the Transit icon or the Trans Loc app for detours

Impacted areas:

  *   Lake Loudoun Blvd from Phillip Fulmer Way to Volunteer Blvd - Northbound lane closed for floats 2:00 - 4:30 pm
  *   Volunteer Blvd from Lake Loudoun Blvd to Cumberland Ave - Northbound lanes impacted from 3:45ish to 5:30 pm
  *   Cumberland Ave from 16th St to approximately 20th St will be closed
  *   Lake Ave from 19th St to Volunteer Blvd East will be impacted by parade floats exiting the parade route from 4:20 to 5:30ish pm
Homecoming Parade Map<>

Getting Around UT Homecoming edition<>



Moira A. Bindner| Communications & Customer Service Manager
Parking & Transit Services
2121 Stephenson Drive | Knoxville, TN 37996
Main   865-974-6031 | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>|<>
Direct 865-974-2846

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