

Please share far and wide!


For many of us that graduated from the University of Tennessee School of
Information Sciences, Dr. Bill Robinson made a lasting impact on us
personally and professionally. A lover of books, students... and trains...
Dr. Bill contributed to the profession and education of many librarians
across the state of Tennessee and beyond. I was privileged to have him as a
mentor and as a friend. We are trying to get a scholarship established in
his honor at UT's SIS program. Won't you help us today raise enough money to
endow this scholarship so that his legacy at SIS will live on?


I am challenging my graduation class of 2007 to help me raise $2007.00
collectively to do our part in endowing this scholarship. I would like to
challenge other alums to challenge their graduating class to do the same.
But, you don't have to be an alum to support this worthy cause. Please
consider donating today! 


Susan Jennings
Class of 2007
UTK School of Information Sciences