

Important updates to Online@UT (Canvas) occurring on Saturday, October 19th -


Course Navigation

The Course Navigation menu will be updated to include color and visual indicators to define active menu items. Additionally, this menu will now include tooltip indicators to clarify inactive menu items. This change helps improve accessibility in Canvas.


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New Gradebook
When an assignment is set with the Manual Posting Policy, the outlined Visibility icon (eyeball with slash) has been replaced with the word Manual. This change clarifies the policy status, not the grade status, which aligns consistency with other statuses that display in the Gradebook—Unpublished, Moderated, and Anonymous.

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The outlined Visibility icon (eyeball with slash) only displays once grades that have been entered need to be posted.

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If you have any questions/concerns regarding these updates, please contact the OIT HelpDesk via phone, 974-9900 or online,


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Rosie Sasso, PhD
IT Support Specialist IV, Course Design & Delivery

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Office of Information Technology
501B Greve Hall
821 Volunteer Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37996-3395

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Instructional Design • Course Design • Consultations and Training • Teaching and Learning Tools (Canvas/Zoom) • Accessibility and UDL

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