

Title: fall leaf graphic

Happy fall, y’all!

As you know, fall is Assessment Report time!


All academic programs should have been assessed for the 2018-19 academic year, and assessment reports should be entered into the Planning Module. The deadline for reports is September 15, 2019 each year. Report progress (a field within the Planning module “Program/Major Learner Outcome” form) should be marked “Ready for Review(NOTE: If an outcome is on extended cycle, the Progress should be marked as “extended cycle,” and an explanation for postponing the assessment should be provided in the Notes section of that report).


By October 31, 2019, a first review should be complete for all academic programs, and after a second review, feedback will be provided to report writers in the departments via the 2019 Revised Feedback Form located under Plan Items in the Planning module.  Upon completion of these reviews, the report progress will be marked “Review Complete”.


The Assessment Steering Committee will steer the Institutional-Level Review.  We use a meta-assessment rubric, revised over the summer, which is attached for your reference. Should you require any further assistance with the reporting process, please do not hesitate to contact:


  1. Ashley Browning, Accreditation Office, for issues with Campus Labs Planning Module (tech support)
  2. Ashley Charsha, Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA), for questions / issues on assessment and reporting


If program reports are not complete, please attend to this at your earliest convenience! We are reviewing reports now.


Thanks much!



Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D.

SACSCOC Liaison, Office of the Provost

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

613 Andy Holt Tower

Knoxville, TN 37996

(865) 974-3635