Registration is now available for the August 21 Talking Freight Seminar.




Date/Time: August 21, 2019  1:00 – 2:30 pm ET


Topic: State DOT & MPO Freight Planning Coordination




Description and Presentations: Since the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), which increased the emphasis on freight and passenger intermodal transportation solutions, both state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations have gradually increased their freight transportation planning activities.  The FAST Act encouraged new, higher level standards for freight planning, creating new formula-based and discretionary grant funding programs for freight projects, requiring states to develop freight plans to access the freight program formula funding, and mandating state DOTs and regional planning organizations to work together to identify critical urban and rural corridors within their jurisdictions.  The increased freight planning requirements also mean there is a greater need for state DOTs and regional planning organizations to coordinate their freight transportation planning initiatives, even in programs that do not formally require them to coordinate with each other.  Those coordination efforts could provide significant benefits for types of organizations, greater than they would receive by conducting their freight planning initiatives alone.


This webinar will examine state DOT and MPO freight coordination planning efforts from both the state DOT and regional planning association point of view, including in states that have many MPOs and in MPOs that cover two or more states.


State DOT Perspective on Coordinating with MPOs on Freight Transportation Planning

This presentation will provide an overview of one state department of transportation’s freight transportation coordination initiatives with the MPOs and RPOs in its state.


MPO Perspective on Coordinating with the State DOT and Other MPOs on Freight Transportation Planning

This presentation will discuss one MPO’s freight transportation coordination activities with its state DOT and other regional transportation planning organizations within its state.


Multi-State MPO Perspective on Coordinating with Multiple State DOTs on Freight Transportation Planning

This presentation will examine how a multi-state MPO coordinates its freight planning with two different state DOTs that in some cases have differing perspectives and needs.




If you have not yet participated in Talking Freight, I encourage you to do so. These monthly seminars, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, are held via web conference, which means that you view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over your computer or the telephone. There is no cost involved and you do not have to leave your desk to participate. More information about Talking Freight is available at  Links to past presentations and recordings are available on 


Talking Freight seminars are eligible for 1.5 AICP Certification Maintenance Credits (for AICP members). In order to receive credit, you must attend the full seminar and login to the seminar with your full name or type your full name into the chat area during the seminar if you are in a room with a group of people. Visit the AICP web site for more information about AICP Certification Maintenance Credits.


In addition, those who are interested can obtain a certificate for 1.5 PDH hours.


If you have any questions about the webinar content, please contact Chip Millard, FHWA Freight Office, at 202-366-4415 or [log in to unmask] If you have any questions about the technology aspects of the webinar, please contact Jennifer Symoun, Toxcel, 703-754-0248, [log in to unmask].



Nicholas Kehoe | Toxcel
Director, Transportation Technology

Office: 703.754.0248 (x8207)
Cell: 973.343.3806

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