An opportunity from the American Geographic Society to contribute to the discussion on ethics and geospatial technology and analysis.

Best wishes,



Derek H. Alderman, PhD

Professor of Geography

Betty Lynn Hendrickson Professor of Social Science

Department of Geography, University of Tennessee

Voice: (865) 974-0406, Email: [log in to unmask]

Founder & Co-Coordinator, Tourism RESET

Past President, American Association of Geographers (2017-18)


From: Marie Price <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 12:20 PM
Subject: Ethical Geo Competition - submit your idea in a 3 minute video


Dear Colleagues


I'm sharing a link to new initiative that the AGS is undertaking called Ethical Geo.


Please spread the word about this competition to your networks.  We are interested in highlighting ethical concerns with the widespread use of geospatial technology.  We are interested in hearing from various professions but we hope that geographers will contribute to this dialogue.


Seven prizes of $7,500 will be given this fall.  The submission for this competition is a three minute video of an idea in September. 


Thanks for your help with this and I hope that some of you, your students or colleagues will participate in this important and innovative project.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.







Marie Price

Professor of Geography and International Affairs

George Washington University

Samson Hall 212

2036 H St NW, Washington, DC 20052
Washington DC 20052
(tel) 202 994-6187


President of the American Geographical Society