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We are Dr. Rong Tang (Simmons University, USA), Dr. Bharat Mehra (University of Alabama, USA), Dr. Jia Tina Du (University of South Australia, Australia), and Dr. Chris Zhao (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China). We wish to invite you to participate in an online survey where you will be asked to provide feedback regarding your perceptions and opinions about the future of information research, specifically related to the theoretical perspective and conceptual evolution of information science paradigms (e.g., system-centric versus user centric).
We thank you for your time to complete this short survey. A majority of the key survey questions are open-ended, and it takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Our goal is to collect your thoughts on the topic of the directions of information research. We really appreciate anything that you can share, even if your responses are segmented ideas. We invite all types of information researchers with a wide range of experiences and expertise to contribute to our study.  We wish that through collecting responses from people all around the world with diverse views, we will be able to understand the landscape of the information field and the thoughts people have regarding theoretical directions of our profession.   


Your responses will be valuable to the development of a forthcoming special issue entitled "Paradigm Shift in Information Research," to be published by Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T). As editors of this special issue, we truly appreciate and value your input and contribution.   


Please follow the link below to go to the survey:  


Please complete your survey at your earliest convenience, but no later than July 31, 2019.


We appreciate your input!


Rong Tang, Bharat Mehra, Jia Tina Du, and Chris Zhao 

Bharat Mehra, Ph. D.
Professor & EBSCO Endowed Chair in Social Justice
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alabama
502 Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library 
711 Capstone Drive 
Tuscaloosa AL 35487.
Phone: (205) 348-5259. Email: [log in to unmask]