Hi –

Starting in July, Gale will be updating the interface across many of their products to standardize the tools and interface across the majority of their database. These changes are to improve user experience and accessibility as users go from database to database.  They will be rolling out their changes in phases so GVRL, Kids Infobits and Literature Resource Center are scheduled to be updated later this summer or in December of 2019. As they are rolling out these changes, they are also tweaking and rebranding names of databases. The new product names for Research In Context and Student Resources In Context will be Gale In Context: Middle School and Gale In Context: High School respectively.




·         What databases are going to be impacted in July?  Research in Context, Student Resources in Context, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Academic OneFile, Testing & Education Reference Center, General OneFile, Infotrac NewsStand and any Gale database ending in Collection (Agriculture Collection to World History Collection) will be updated.


·         What do you need to do now?  You can read more about it at https://www.gale.com/product-enhancements/preview.


·         What about links? Links will not change with these updates.


·         When will training be available?  They will schedule webinars in June and July.  Those will be posted on https://support.gale.com/tel/webinars and also on the TEL website.


·         You mentioned new names to databases, what does that mean to my Gale Pages?  According to Gale, they will be rebranding all of the periodical and In Context databases so they all will have a facelift on their logos.  If you have Gale Pages, those logos will be updated this summer automatically.  If you have other materials, website, libguides, handouts, that have the older logos, those will need to be updated.  Gale will provide those files this summer. 


Thanks for your patience on this.  I am trying to get as much information from Gale and will share as I learn more. 






Andrea Zielke

TEL Administrator

Tennessee Electronic Library

Tennessee State Library and Archives

Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

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