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[cid:[log in to unmask]]2019 Eastern Region Tennessee Master Gardener Conference
in Townsend, TN
May 20th and May 21st
Hosted by the Blount County Master Gardeners Association
[BCMG Logo]

Early registration ends April 19th!

See attached registration packet or visit the online registration portal:

Who can attend?  Tennessee Extension Master Gardener volunteers from around the state!

We are excited about hosting regional conferences as a way to share excellent horticultural information, introduce you to great attractions in the host counties, while connecting EMGs across the state. We have been receiving questions about whether attendees need to be EMGs. While we understand that it might be tempting to invite friends and neighbors to these conferences, we are not able to accommodate non-volunteers at this time because we want to make sure that there is room in sessions and on tours for dedicated EMGs from around the state to attend and take part in these events.

The full schedule of sessions and tours is in the attached registration packet and the TEMG website. Below are descriptions of the site and tours.

The Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center, GSMHC, is a jewel tucked away in the mountains of East Tennessee. It is located in the historic and scenic community of Townsend which is a gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Center is first and foremost a museum; a museum whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the unique history and rich culture of the people who inhabited the Great Smoky Mountains and the surrounding area. While here you can travel back in time to learn about Cherokee culture and the migration of European settlers.

While visiting the Heritage Center, you'll have the opportunity to view the Main Gallery, home to our Native Americans of East TN Collection and the East TN Mountain Culture exhibits. Also housed in the main building is the National Parks Gallery - A tribute to the five National Parks of East TN. Directly behind the main building is our Historic Village; a collection of historic buildings and barns brought to us from around the region. The Transportation Station houses an impressive display of modes of transportation ranging from mules to wagons to Model T's and more. The entire main building and the outdoor amphitheater are accessible by wheelchair, and the gravel pathways in the Historic Village have been specifically designed for ADA compliance.
Additional information may be found at the following web link:

[CCHT Logo]Cades Cove is a broad, verdant valley surrounded by mountains and is one of the most popular destinations in the Great Smokies. It offers some of the best opportunities for wildlife viewing in the park. Large numbers of white-tailed deer are frequently seen, and sightings of black bear, coyote, ground hog, turkey, raccoon, skunk, and other animals are also possible. For hundreds of years Cherokee Indians hunted in Cades Cove but archeologists have found no evidence of major settlements. The first Europeans settled in the cove sometime between 1818 and 1821. By 1830 the population of the area had already swelled to 271.

Cades Cove offers the widest variety of historic buildings of any area in the national park. While touring along the 11-mile loop road by chartered van you will have the opportunity to view/visit three churches, a working grist mill, barns, log houses, and many other faithfully restored eighteenth and nineteenth century structures. So, whether you're a regular to Cades Cove or a 'first-timer' this guided tour will provide you the opportunity to experience the ecology and history of Cades Cove as never before.
Additional information may be found at the following web link:

NOTE: Tours will include light to moderate walking and closed-toe shoes are recommended.

Natalie R. Bumgarner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture
Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Coordinator
Plant Sciences Department
252 Ellington Plant Sciences, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996

1-865-974-7308 Office / 1-304-615-9243 Mobile
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