

Good morning!  Hope you can join us for a TEL webinar this morning.

Explore Gale Literary Sources from TEL for Poetry Month!
April 11, 2019, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (CST)/11:00 AM - 11:45 AM (EST)

Gale Literary Sources unlocks a wealth of literary content to support Poetry month such as criticism articles, analysis of particular works, and biographies on the different authors along with primary sources such as poems, short stories, plays and speeches, and more. Easily utilize an integrated search of your resources: Literature Resource Center, LitFinder, Scribner Writers, and Twayne's Authors from Tennessee Electronic Library. Gale Literary Sources offers key tools like topic finder and term frequency. During this webinar, we'll make sure you're well prepared to use this resource to its fullest capacity for Poetry Month by exploring search paths, working with results and documents, and sharing best practices! 45 min.

Register at

From: Andrea N. Zielke
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 7:43 AM
Subject: TEL Poetry and Training - April 2019

Maybe you are a "Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote" kinda person, or maybe you think "April is the cruelest month, breeding." Either way, this month is a great time to explore poets and poetry that help to make sense of the world. I've got a webinar just for you!

Explore Gale Literary Sources from TEL for Poetry Month!
April 11, 2019, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (CST)/11:00 AM - 11:45 AM (EST)

Gale Literary Sources unlocks a wealth of literary content to support Poetry month such as criticism articles, analysis of particular works, and biographies on the different authors along with primary sources such as poems, short stories, plays and speeches, and more. Easily utilize an integrated search of your resources: Literature Resource Center, LitFinder, Scribner Writers, and Twayne's Authors from Tennessee Electronic Library. Gale Literary Sources offers key tools like topic finder and term frequency. During this webinar, we'll make sure you're well prepared to use this resource to its fullest capacity for Poetry Month by exploring search paths, working with results and documents, and sharing best practices! 45 min.

Register at

Requesting Training:
Over the last year, TEL has seen quite a few changes - a new website, new resources and new administrator (that's me!). I have been very lucky to travel across the state to so many great libraries and schools to talk about how to use TEL with library patrons, educators and students but I know that I haven't made it to ALL the counties yet! There will be some TEL training this summer available at TASL's East and West Roadshows and at Books & Bytes conference and we will pick up TEL Train the Trainers this fall. If you are not able to attend those event, if your library or school would like to have some TEL training, please submit a training request and we can work to get something on the calendar!

Submit a training request -

Providing TEL Training:
Have you been providing TEL training to other librarians, your patrons or local schools, retirement groups and other community groups? If you have, please take a moment to report your training. For each training you provide, please fill out this form - TEL Training Report<>.

If you provide training in the state and report it, you will be eligible for the TEL Trainer of the Year Award.<> The TEL Trainer of the Year is honored every year at TENN-Share's Datafest in Nashville. This year Datafest will be in October at Nashville Public Library.

If you need any materials or evaluation forms for trainings, please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and I can help to send marketing materials or pdfs.


Andrea Zielke
TEL Administrator
Tennessee Electronic Library<>
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
403 7th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615-532-4627
Fax: 615-532-9904
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