

Heading to #tnla19 in a few weeks? Get organized and ready to go with Sched!

Use Sched to:

* Organize your schedule and connect with other attendees
* Get the most accurate and up-to-date session listing
* Take your schedule with you on your mobile device, in your calendar app, or on old-fashioned (but still awesome) printouts
* Receive an email each morning of the conference summarizing your day
* Download presentation materials directly from the session page (if the speaker makes them available)
* See where your favorite exhibitors will be in the exhibit hall.

And the best part: No separate app download is needed on your mobile device -- simply visit the Sched URL in your favorite mobile browser. Add it as a bookmark on your home screen for easy access.

Shortly after you register for the conference, you will receive an invitation to Sched. You can also preview the schedule anytime without logging in:

*Sched questions or problems? Email [log in to unmask], or tweet @TNLA.*