Dear STC-ETC Friends and Colleagues, The Blakely Awards banquet is scheduled for May 1, 5:30 pm, The Lighthouse, Knoxville. The STC-ETC Blakely Committee encourages undergraduate and graduate students in technical communication and science writing to submit work to a panel of judges for consideration at [log in to unmask] Details on what to submit are available at The application deadline is March 29, 2019. Everyone is welcome to attend, meet award winners, and enjoy the company of colleagues. If you would like to come, please RSVP to this email address. Payment at the door is $25.00. Best regards, MarySTC-ETC Treasurer Mary Ryba Knepper, Ryba Associates, Inc. "Supporting human performance by promoting excellence in technical, scientific, and professional communication” [log in to unmask] 708.738.8178 cell