

Library Lovers,
Registration is now open for Tennessee Library Legislative Day 2019! This year looks to be extra special for a couple of reasons:
  • We have OUR OWN ROOM on the 8th floor of the Cordell Hull Building from 8am-10am! An invitation will be emailed to ALL OF THE LEGISLATORS to enjoy coffee and pastries with us during that time. As such, we will begin our day at the Cordell Hull building then move to Nashville Public Library for event check-in, special speakers, and lunch. 
  • Our Keynote Speaker during the lunch hour is none other than JIM NEAL—Past ALA President! I am super stoked that he is able to attend this year and am really looking forward to his advocacy insight. 
Now is the perfect time for you to make appointments to visit with your legislators in the morning or afternoon of March 12th. If you don't know your legislators, visit the TN General Assembly's website to find them and their contact information.  We will provide you with a bag and informational handouts to give them, but you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to bring information about your own library and its contributions to your community. 
Please help share the registration link with other librarians, Friends groups, teachers, storytime parents, and anyone else who is a library advocate! 
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 
Mock up 2019 Library Leg Day .png

All my best,
Sharon Kay Edwards, MSLS
Legislative Monitor, Tennessee Library Association
(931) 619-7863