Fellow Ph.D. Students,


I hope your semester is off to a great start! SIS will be welcoming three faculty candidates to campus beginning next week. We are invited to attend their lectures:



I know that we are all busy; however, we are being treated to lunch with each candidate. Having lunch with our candidates is a great opportunity for us, as Ph.D. students, to learn more about them and help shape the future of SIS, CCI, and UTK. Our first lunch with Brian Dobreski will be held on Tuesday, 1/29, from 12:00—1:30 PM in the SIS Collaboratory (Communications 440).


Please use the following link to RSVP for as many of the lunches as you are able to attend: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dne04jJKrzms9Ip.


Let us do our part to make our candidates’ visits most enjoyable!


