

Geographers and Sustainers,
It's that time of year when registration is now open for our spring TNGIC<> workshop and conference. For those unfamiliar with TNGIC, this is our state's geospatial professional group that promotes ongoing education, best practices, and all things GIS and remote sensing.

Why should you go?

  *   Meet geospatial professionals from across the state who represent government agencies, private business, non-profits, and higher education.
  *   Learn about advances in our discipline from professionals.
  *   Meet undergraduate and graduate students from across the state.
  *   Meet faculty and advisors from graduate programs across the state.
  *   Redeem my honor. Every year Jason Duke's students from Tennessee Tech win all of the student presentation awards...because they are the only students who apply. It would mean a lot to me if my students were to clean house this spring. And there is so much awesome research going on by our students that it would be a shame not to highlight all of your efforts.
How can you be involved?

  *   Submit a map to the map gallery
  *   Submit a presentation to the student presentation contest
How can you pay for this?

  *   Apply for a student assistantship which covers your registration cost, in-conference meals, and the social in exchange for volunteer work at the conference
  *   If you present a map or presentation, apply for travel funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research<> (Check out that Story Map!) that will cover your lodging/gas/etc

Our very own Emily Craig is the student liaison to the TNGIC Board of Directors and has compiled all of the information you need to apply for an assistantship, get registered, submit a map, submit a presentation abstract, etc in the attached PDF. Be sure to apply for the student assistantships early. If you have any questions about TNGIC, please stop by and see me.


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