

Tennessee NAME Call for Proposals

FYI—may be of your interest especially those of you whose research interests include or relate to equity and diversity.



Have a great day!  

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Dr. Qi Sun

Program Coordinator

Associate Professor

Co-Editor, Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ) (SSCI) Http://

Department of Educational Psychology & Counseling

College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences

519 Bailey Education Complex

Knoxville, TN 37996-3452
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From: "Morrow, Jennifer Ann" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 11:38 AM
To: "Misawa, Mitsunori" <[log in to unmask]>, "Sun, Qi" <[log in to unmask]>, "Brockett, Ralph G" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: FW: Tennessee NAME Call for Proposals


Thought some of your students may be interested in submitting to this conference


Tennessee NAME Inaugural Conference CALL FOR PROPOSALS
Educate, Embrace, Appreciate:
Building Equitable and Diverse Communities

July 19, 2019 at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN
The Tennessee chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is issuing a call for proposals for the chapter’s first conference, to be held July 19, 2019, on the campus of Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee. We invite traditional presentations, panel discussions, and poster presentations on research, scholarly, classroom, or community activity related to our conference theme: Educate, Embrace, Appreciate: Building Equitable and Diverse Communities.
Members of Tennessee NAME believe that equity and diversity make our state, region, and nation stronger; thus, our focus for this conference is on building equitable and diverse communities—in our schools, our neighborhoods, and our workplaces. We invite you to help us advance this goal through these means:

  • —In order to build diverse and equitable communities, we must educate ourselves and others, providing information on the importance of fostering equity for all regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, socioeconomic status, marital status, language, ability, or immigration status.


  • —Building equitable and diverse communities requires more than tolerance; we must embrace each other and embrace the basic tenets of multiculturalism. By learning and working side by side, we believe we can extend our reach to be more inclusive in our classrooms, workplaces, communities, and world.


  • —By fostering opportunities for diverse professional and social exchanges, we believe we will learn to appreciate each other for who we are and recognize the value of diversity in our lives.

The Tennessee chapter of NAME invites educators, researchers, graduate students, healthcare providers, business and industry representatives, policymakers, community members, local activists, and anyone else interested in working to build more equitable and diverse communities to be a part of this inaugural Tennessee NAME conference.
We are now accepting proposals for 50-minute traditional, panel, or poster sessions. Deadline for submitting proposals is 11:59 p.m. CST on January 31, 2019. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent no later than February 28, 2019. Conference registration opens Feb. 15 with an early-bird rate of $70 for professionals and $50 for students. After April 15, conference rates for professionals will increase to $85. If accepted for conference registration, all presenters must register in advance and pay in full in order to be included in the conference. Submissions are limited to two proposals per person. Conference registration information and hotel information will be available soon on the Tennessee NAME website and also will be sent via email to authors of accepted proposals. Watch for the reveal of keynote speakers, our conference artist, and other conference events in upcoming website posts and emails. For questions, email [log in to unmask].
To submit a conference proposal, link to this website and complete the form. Information required for a proposal is outlined below. Separate files cannot be uploaded, but you may copy and paste from a word processor into the form. Be certain to complete each field, noting the word limitations.
Each presentation session will be 50 minutes. Traditional presentation sessions will be paired, with each presenter allotted 20 minutes and the remaining 10 minutes saved for questions from the audience. Panels must include at least three but no more than five presenters, with 35 minutes for panel discussion and 15 minutes for questions. Posters will be displayed in a gallery for one 50-minute session, and poster authors must be present for discussion. Poster presentations are limited to two authors per poster.
Information required for proposals:
Name of lead presenter: name, title, affiliation, email, bio
Names of co-presenters: names, titles, affiliations, emails, bios
Title of traditional, panel, or poster presentation: (15 words max).
Focus of presentation: choose one—a) research in progress; b) research completed; c) classroom activity; or d) community activity.
Summary of presentation content: (150 words max).
Intended outcomes of presentation: (what you want your audience to learn; 150 words max).
Connection to conference theme: (150 words max).
Delivery: (how audience will be engaged, if handouts will be included, etc.; 100 words max).

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