



Good Afternoon GBP!


This is a reminder that we will be having our third meeting today, March 15th, in HSS room 207 at 5:30 pm.  Out theme is “Spring Break Bash.” There will be an opportunity to gain up to  4 points.


GBP agenda for the meeting:

We will be discussing the Yasir Ghazi Essay Scholarship for GBP UTK members, the UTK GBP Executive Board elections, and we will be selling our stoles ($25) and cords ($15) for members that have met their point requirements for this semester. Please be reminded that members must complete their service hours by our next meeting (April 12th) as this will be the last day we sell the cords and stoles.



As a reminder, the point system is as follows:


Warm regards,

Ana R. Gonzalez
President- Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society UTK chapter