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Good afternoon TEMG folks,

Over the past couple of days, I have gotten questions about a suspicious
email trying to get folks to sign up on a MG Registry. If you received such
a message, you are not alone. In fact MGs and agents around the country
received it. 

I want to make it clear this message is NOT approved in any way or at all
related to any of our EMG programs. Please disregard it.  

Because it was such a widespread issue, we actually decided to sent out a
message nationwide to address the email. I am actually the chair of the
Extension Master Gardener national committee right now, so the email to
coordinators came from me. I am including it below so that you all are
completely in the loop. 

Thanks for contacting me and keeping me informed about this suspicious
email. I will try to keep communication timely about these issues. 

Have a great rest of the week,  Natalie

Following is the forwarded message we sent to EMG coordinators throughout
the country yesterday. 

Good afternoon all, 

This note is in response to communication over the last day and a half about
a suspicious solicitation email that you or your EMG volunteers may have
received. Thanks to many of you from around the country for making us aware
of this issue. 

The EMG National Committee would like to make clear that this request is NOT
connected to national, state, or local EMG activities, and we DO NOT endorse
or support any of the content or activities connected with this suspicious

If you know this communication reached volunteers in your area, it may be
helpful to share with EMGs that this communication was not approved by or
connected to our program. It is also becoming clear through this and other
activity both locally and nationally that our program, due to its large size
and name recognition is likely to remain a target for such suspicious
activity. Rapid communication and vigilance will be important for us moving

Thanks and hope everyone has a great conclusion to 2018,  Natalie 

Natalie R. Bumgarner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture
Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Coordinator
Extension Master Gardener National Committee Chair
Plant Sciences Department
252 Ellington Plant Sciences, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996

1-865-974-7308 Office / 1-304-615-9243 Mobile
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