December Classes Spotlight:


Caring for Scrapbooks: Preservation and Digitization Today


Wednesday, December 14, 2018

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET


For many institutions, scrapbooks are one of the most problematic formats in their collections. Common in the 19th and early 20th century, scrapbooks are a unique record of individuals, families, or organizations. Newspaper and magazine clippings, cards, other ephemera, and photographs were adhered to poor quality paper in improper bindings, making them a special challenge. This live online class will examine the materials and techniques used to create scrapbooks, outline quality storage materials and proper handling techniques for these special materials. We will also take a look at some digitization options and techniques for access in use today. While the focus is on older scrapbook collections, many of the same issues apply to scrapbooks being created today.






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