




The Center for Security and Privacy in Informatics, Computing, and Engineering (SPICE - seeks multiple interdisciplinary postdoctoral fellows in domains including but not limited to: human computer interaction (HCI), social media and social computing, mobile and ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things (IoT), privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), and software engineering.


The fellows will join a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and collaborative research environment with ample opportunities for career development and mentoring. IU SICE is the first of its kind and among the largest in the country, with more than 125 full-time faculty and more than 1000 graduate students. SICE has received recognition as a “top-ten program to watch” (Computerworld) thanks to its excellence and leadership in academic programs, interdisciplinary research, placement, and outreach. IUB is also renowned for its top-ranked music school, performing and fine arts, and historic campus. Bloomington is located in the wooded rolling hills of southern Indiana, 50 miles south of Indianapolis. It is a culturally thriving college town with a moderate cost of living, cycling traditions, active lifestyle, and natural beauty.


Minimum Qualifications: A PhD in Computer Science, Informatics, Engineering, Psychology, Communication, or related discipline is required, with strong background, interest, and experience in privacy or security. ABD candidates may apply but will need the PhD prior to start. Applicants should have a record of independent research and publications along with the ability to participate in interdisciplinary collaborations.


Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience


Appointment Type: Twelve-month non-tenure-track appointment with potential for extension subject to performance and funding


Apply Online:


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Start date: Negotiable


Deadline: Apply ASAP, preferably by January 5th. The search will continue until we find suitable candidates.






Devendra Potnis, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Information Sciences
University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Office: +1-865-974-2148
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