

Good afternoon


Here is the link for the Getting Around UT November edition


Please note we have entered special events/basketball season and many events will impact parking around the arena. Last year we had a map to assist with the visual and that revised map will be coming in the near future.


Also we are honored to have the National Gold Star Memorial “Remembering Our Fallen” on campus at the pedestrian walkway Thursday Nov 8 to Sunday Nov 11. 


Please forward the newsletter to colleagues (or friends and family who may be interested in the memorial)


Here is the announcement for the Gold Star Memorial information:


Have a great day






Moira A. Bindner| Communications & Customer Service Manager
Parking & Transit Services

2121 Stephenson Drive | Knoxville, TN 37996

Main   865-974-6031 | [log in to unmask]|

Direct 865-974-2846





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