

Good afternoon,

I am hoping each of you can help me by posting/distributing this job posting. For those of you whose schools normally use Handshake, I have had the jobs posted there for more than a month with no results so I am trying a more direct approach. We have 4 openings with 2 more that will follow after promotional interviews in the next two weeks. The posting will stay open until 12/31 or until filled. December or May graduates are welcome, as are alumni. We will have opportunities for internships after January.

Thank you and please let me know if any questions or problems.

Barbara Dunn
Director, Human Resources
Georgia Forestry Commission

P - 678-476-6220
F - 678-476-6230

Notice: Don't feel guilty about printing this e-mail.  Paper is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable product made from trees. Growing and harvesting trees provides jobs for millions of Americans, and working forests are good for the environment, providing clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and carbon storage.

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