National Coalition on Truck Parking Annual Meeting

Web Conference

Thursday, December 6, 2018

1:30-4:00 PM Eastern


Continuing its multi-year focus on truck parking safety, the US Department of Transportation will be hosting a web conference of the National Coalition on Truck Parking (“Coalition”) to discuss truck parking initiatives. The agenda will include an overview of products developed in 2018; updates from States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and core partners on truck parking initiatives; and discussion of future Coalition activities.

The meeting will feature presentations by leaders of the working groups. Launched in 2017, the working groups brought together stakeholders from across the nation to create strategies for various truck parking improvement initiatives related to:

Information on the working groups, meeting minutes and products are available here.

This web conference is open to all. Please register by December 4, 2018 by visiting:

Since 2015, the Coalition has engaged stakeholders from the public sector, transportation organizations, the freight industry, and other groups to advance safe truck parking by:

·         Collaborating nationally and among regions to identify opportunities and solutions for truck parking needs;

·         Sharing information on data and new analyses developed by stakeholders to understand needs and trends in truck parking;

·         Encouraging partnerships among stakeholders to implement solutions, and;

·         Identifying opportunities to use existing and new programs to support truck parking implementation.