The following persons have been elected to fill the At-Large Representative positions for 2018/2019:


Brandon Owens:    Academic Libraries

Amy Kimani:   Public Libraries

Blake Hopper:   School Libraries

Charles Sherrill:  Special Libraries

Susie Ries:  Friends/Retirees/Trustees


These persons will complete the 2081/2019  roster for the TLA Executive Board, which also includes:

Jeffie Nichols:   President

Jill Rael:  Vice President/President-Elect

Sean Hogan:  Recording Secretary

Richard Groves:  Past President

Ex-officio:  Annelle R. Huggins, Executive Director


Annelle R. Huggins

Executive Director

Tennessee Library Association

P. O. Box 241074

Memphis, TN  38124-1074

     Phone:  901-485-6952

     Email:  [log in to unmask]